Force Tensiometer K100 (Accessories Only)

The premium universal Force Tensiometer – K100 performs high-precision, automatic and reliable measurements of surface tension and interfacial tension, critical micelle concentration CMC and dynamic contact angle on solids, fibers and powders.

Optional thermostat jackets provide for measurements under consistent conditions. They can also be used for high (up to 300OC )or low temperatures to give a realistic picture of the sample’s behavior in the actual process. When testing dispersions, an integral magnetic stirrer, which can also be used in an automation, ensures that the sample is homogenous before the measurement is carried out.

For high quality assurance and development of fiber coatings, particularly for the embedding of fibers in fiber reinforced materials, K100SF model is specially designed for analyzing the wettability of single fibers by measuring the contact angle. Equipped with ionizer, this helps to removes interfering static charges and can be switched on and off automatically during the measuring program.


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Universal analysis of liquid and solid surfaces | K100
